Tag Archives: media

Oh no, not another post about depression

We miss you funnyman

Sorry, I know that the media has been going on ad nauseam about depression since Robin Williams killed himself but as someone who has suffered from depression for as long as I can remember I need to add a little bit more to this discussion.

First, my deepest condolences to his family and I pray that all of the asshats that constantly harass, stalk, and use all other manners of digging up some pathetic story from a tragedy that just happens to involve a celebrity find themselves with no one willing to read or pay for their filth. (Sorry, that’s a rant for a different time and probably a by a different person).

It’s funny (strange, not haha), I can almost tell who has or does suffer from depression by their reactions, those that mention selfishness of suicide, can’t understand how one who “has it all” could kill himself. People who question how he could leave his family that way. They don’t suffer from it, they may have a cursory understanding, maybe even feel sorry for Robin that he went through life trying to be the funniest guy in the room so no one knew he was the saddest but they don’t really get it.

If you know depression this is likely your reac

tion, “well shit, it got him,” or, “he’d been doing so good too.” We wouldn’t blame him, it wasn’t him it was depression.

I’m not saying that if you live your life with this disease you’re going to die from it, there’s remission which most of the time under the right conditions and treatment (btw I have no opinion on what is good or bad in this regard so I DO NOT want a debate) will keep you from going to that darkest place. You may have it flare up again from time to time but not as bad.

Sometimes though, like a cancer it just rips through someone and it doesn’t matter what you do you have no control. I know this and I pray to god that this knowledge will be enough for me to recognize this force if it ever comes for me.

It’s really hard to explain to someone who isn’t depressed, they just don’t get it. There is no “snapping out of it,” you can’t just eat a piece of lemon meringue pie and it goes away (okay, this almost works with me but I really love lemon meringue pie). Things that make people sad don’t necessarily make me depressed, I get sad too but it doesn’t send me into depressed state. I actually find that I get the most depressed after something fantastic happens, when I’ve been really “high” (thank god I’ve never fallen into drugs or heavy drinking). Instead of just slowly fading down back to a state of normalcy I find myself free-falling into a black hole. Once again I know this and I can force myself to pull the rip chord. That’s the thing, you have to know yourself.

I have no idea if others have the same issues, it’s different for everyone. Even my shrink didn’t really understand me, he was looking for the “trigger” that started my depression, I don’t think there was one, I believe I was born with it which is fine (he still doesn’t but I don’t go to him any more so I’ll let him hypothesize without me). Being depressed means having to be aware of your feelings at all times, watching your moods and feelings because if you slip down to far it’s really hard to come back out. My medication helps tremendously and honestly I’m terrified to go off of it because it may not be quite as easy to manage.

There is so much more I could say to try to explain but I just want to add this one last bit. For people who aren’t depressed (it be so much easier to say “normal people” but I don’t want to offend, I wouldn’t be but…) there are lists of choices, let’s look at some standard decisions and the options available for things in everyday life.

What time should I get out of bed tomorrow?
a. 6:30
b. 7:00
c. Whenever I wake-up
d. Why don’t I just lay in bed all day

What choice would you want to make? Probably a, b or c and perhaps from time to time d. What option might a depressed person make? Did you pick d?
e. If I just kill myself I won’t have to worry about it.

Oh, didn’t you see e? It’s really only visible to us depressees (tired of saying depressed people or people suffering from depression). In all fairness they have all of the other options as well and would likely chose a – d 9999 times out of 10,000 however e is always lurking there. It’s always that little quiet option that lurks around, T/F/Die, Y/N/Die, a,b,c or die. It’s the ultimate way of not facing a problem.

I’m very sad that Robin Williams died but I’m happy that he has caused a fire-storm of discussion on depression. Yes he had drug and alcohol problems in the past but for the most part he seemed like a pretty outstanding guy and he had talked for years about his struggles with depression but always seemed to be doing okay.  Philip Seymour Hoffman also suffered from depression we didn’t talk much then because he died of a drug overdose (no he didn’t, he died of depression), same as Cory Monteith and many others. It took a really well love celebrity without obvious other issues (of which depression is often the underlying issue) to kill himself to really get us talking and I hope we keep talking. Having this affliction out in the open and getting people talking about it, thinking about it, learning about it is the best way to combat it. I have grown comfortable over time talking about my depression. Once I opened that door, telling those closest to me I found that I could tell others. I don’t just bring it up out of the blue, “So nice to meet you Bob, I’m Dennis. Hey, did you know I’m depressed?” But when I’m in a conversation and people are talking about it I share my experience. It helps me understand and hopefully them too.

Sorry I’ve talked so long but if you’ve read this far I thank you. I just want to leave with two other things.

If you suffer from depression, tell someone who you know, in your heart (not in the fog of depression) truly loves you (or you remember had truly loved you at one time) and do EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAY. It doesn’t matter who they are, there are even strangers out there who truly love you and you just don’t know it yet.

I also want to share these two posts from Hyperbole and a Half which have been getting a ton of well deserved press as of late:

Adventures in Depression
Depression Part Two

If you are a depressee read these then get everyone who knows (or that you want to know or that should know) that you are depressed to read them too. It’s the best explanation of depression I have ever read. If you are not depressed, read them anyway, they won’t make you depressed but they will keep you from telling a depressed person to “Buck-up” or that “everything will be okay, don’t worry.”

And here is a cute puppy.

And here is a cute puppy

TV for kids

Image Courtesy of Treehouse TVMy kids watch a lot of TV, probably too much, I won’t apologize for that, a half hour here and there of keep-the-kids-out-of-my-hair time is much-needed.
I can’t remember the last time I had the TV on during the day tuned into something I wanted to watch, I think it may have been in 2008, before our son was born though I have been able to sneak in the odd episode of Top Gear on my phone when no one was looking.
Some of these shows I can handle, some I love and others cause me to leap Lego buildings, dodge dinky cars and swim oceans of milk to turn off the television.

The Octonaughts
I’ve read the book, which is nothing like the show, the book was better

The Bubble Guppies
This is a really cute show. I find myself answering the question, “what time is it?” With “it’s time for lunch,” far too often.

Max and Ruby
This is one of my favourites although I do find Ruby to be a bit of a bitch but Max more than makes up for it. In one episode Ruby is explaining badminton to her friend Louise. Part of the conversation went something like this:
Louise: I wonder why they call it a birdie.
Ruby: It’s also called a shuttlecock
–Dramatic pause–
Ruby: I think we’ll just call it a birdie
Louise: Good idea Ruby
I nearly fell off my chair.
I do, however, have questions about this show like:
Where are their parents?
Why is Gramma not concerned they’re left alone?
When will Roger and Ruby hook up?

The Backyardigans
This used to be one of my favourites but I’ve seen pretty much every episode now and most don’t repeat well.

Fireman Sam
I don’t find this show very realistic. If anyone had a child as troublesome as Norman Price they would likely leave him in the well, or stuck up on tree or hanging from a  rock face or…

The Avengers
Perhaps my son is too young to watch this but he has assured me he knows it’s pretend. We have fun with this show too. See my blog about “The Avenger Family.”

Wonder Pets
This show makes me want to pluck my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon!

The Magic School Bus
Why they don’t use “The Magic Bus” as their theme song is beyond me. I hate this show, sure it’s educational but if I have to hear Lily Tomlin make one more terrible pun I’m gonna go all “The Who” on my TV.

Thomas and Friends
I like this show and sadly know the theme song by heart. I have a special place in my heart for Toby, poor little Toby. Also, if George Carlin could narrate this show it’s gotta be good, though I never heard a single profanity in any episode, which is rather disappointing.

Dora The Explorer
I can’t wait for my kids to grow out of this show, it’s just fluff in my opinion.

Go Diego Go!
I can’t help but think this show does a disservice to animals, maybe I’m wrong. I really annoy my son when I use the Inspector Gadget theme for Go Diego Go.

Handy Manny
Could Handy Manny be the love child of Bob The Builder and Dora? Scandal!

I love this movie, I have probably watched it a thousand times. I especially love the nostalgia for Route 66. Many feel this is one of the worst Disney/Pixar movies, I think it’s one of the best, maybe because I’m a car guy. When my son got this movie for his second birthday his reaction was priceless, he jumped up and down and ran around the house holding it!

Cars 2
Nowhere near as good as the original but I still enjoy it.

The Wiggles
I really should hate this show but the pirate skit makes me soften my stance a bit.

My Little Pony
What pull does this show have for kids? I don’t get it. I do find myself singing the theme song though, but slighly altered as in My Little Porny…

Team Unizoomi
My son loves this show, God help me. Maybe it’s because he loves numbers and such. Personally I think this show is absolute crap and unwatchable!

Harry And His Bucket Full Of Dinosaurs
When Terrance (The Tyrannosaurus) uses coconuts to make galloping noises (ala Monty Python And The Holy Grail) I gained some respect for this show.

The Care Bears
The new one is okay, though not great but nowhere near as horrible as the original. I really hope Champ Bear got picked up by the Fish and Wildlife in a bear trap and relocated to Siberia, or the moon. Also, Screechy reminds me of my daughter when she’s unhappy.

Toopy and Binoo
I’m just gonna say that I have no issues with transgendered, cross-dressing characters in children’s shows.

4 Square
What the hell is up with the outfits of the blue square people? No one wants to see your junk dudes, especially in a children’s program!

This show provides a great opportunity for an example to use for telling your children how not to behave as in, “why are you being so whiney? You sound like Caillou,” or, “If you were this whiney I’d shave your head bald and stuff you into a TV too!”

Doctor Who
Oh, wait, this one’s for me. Thank you Britain for making great television!

Dr. Kermit Gosnell – (Update) A Monster We Needed To Know About

From i.mommyish.comI don’t know why I can’t just leave this alone… (Update at end of original post)

Before you read anything I say or comment you MUST READ THIS: The Atlantic
I don’t want to write this post and I probably shouldn’t but sometimes something riles you up so much you can’t help yourself. This is one of those times. For the record, I am not even going to share my opinion on the abortion issue, it’s a moot point in this case, I’ll explain why.

Part of the reason why I didn’t want to right about Kermit Gosnell and especially the issues with lack of media is because I’m Canadian and American news issues shouldn’t really affect me and is really none of my business, but you know what, it is. Just as US politics greatly affects us, what is broadcast in the US is usually broadcast here, either directly through American TV channels or on our own.
I first heard of this story on Twitter from @beentohellpal, I went to the link he gave me. Kermit Gosnell is a monster, he has done things that Charles Manson would probably chastise him for, why wasn’t the news covering it?

From Yahoo.com April 12, 2012

All News From Yahoo.com using “Kermit” as a search word in Google Chrome controls

Some of the biggest news stories I’ve come across are about why there is no news story.
Because the news agencies are afraid it’s an abortion issue. Seriously? Time to do a little more digging you morons. It’s not a liberal versus conservative issue nor is it pro-choice verses pro-life. It’s murder and not just one but several, IT’S NEWS.

It’s terrible that the conservative faction had to dig it up and get the ball rolling to bring it to anyone’s attention, why? Because they want to herald it as a strike against abortion and they are probably saying that the so-called “Liberal Media” isn’t covering it because they are pro-choice. First of all, in my time in the US which was quite extensive all I heard on talk radio across the country, and on Fox “News” (I’ve heard it isn’t even classified as a news channel by the FCC) all I ever heard about was the Liberal Media, I never actual heard anything from the Liberal Media themselves. Secondly, I don’t care if you’re Micheal Moore or Ted Nugent I don’t think anyone could stand up and say that what Kermit Gosnell did was right and there are no sides to be taken (just for the record I believe in innocent until proven guilty, but I think it’s fairly safe to assume guilt in this instance).

I think the real problem in media is not whether they’re left or right leaning, it’s the fact that they have lost sight of what news is. News is the stuff that people don’t want to know about but should know anyway. There is no bloody way I want to hear about Kermit Gosnell, never! I would much rather know about why an Adorable Baby Video Went Viral. That isn’t the job of the news, the news is to inform, not entertain. Celebrities are not front page, top story items unless they’ve killed a bunch of people, started a war or cured AIDS. That what TMZ and Entertainment Tonight are for. News is for news. Yeah, I love a feel good story, throw one in at the end please, but the rest is N E W S.

Why is it important that Kermit Gosnell’s trial be aired? It’s not a matter of sensationalism (another “great” reason for news to get picked up), it’s the fact that so many failed to stop him even though they were given ample opportunity. People need to know that these things can happen. The people who were effected by what he did need a voice and not just in court.

There’s a chance that somewhere else another abortion clinic, or doctor, or even any medical centre is operating the same way. What if someone watching the news, sees the story and thinks, “oh shit, this sounds too familiar!” That person then starts digging through records, asking questions and discovers their very own Kermit Gosnell and stops them before they can do any more damage.

So, media people, get your heads out of your Liberal/Conservative asses, stop worry about where the bias can lay in the story or how the public will receive and do your fucking jobs, report important news!

Update: I found a really great blog by Justina Tran on Lovlyish.com which pretty much echoed this post. Read it!

My question is why, when I search for things about Kermit Gosnell are blogs from fashion sites in the top searches? Because the swell of disgust over lack of media coverage is from people who are not part of the media. In her post, Justina posted some passages from Irin Carmon of Salon’s post on Gosnell. She said that it had been covered, kind of a “been there, done that” excuse. So what. Since when did the news only cover the arrest and not the trial (or the marriage but not the divorce which in today’s media gets more coverage)? Once again I would like to reiterate, this is NOT a matter of ideology, there is no hidden agendas or controversy, this is the case of a sick, sick man who committed heinous crimes enabled by lackluster inspections, reporting and follow-up. The abortion issue, the socio-economic (racism) issue is merely a back-drop, a small part of the story. The real reason this needs more attention is because this is happening, could have been prevented and the public needs to know because it should never happen again. Stop blaming liberals/conservatives, and just report the friggin’ news. It’s not up to biased loud mouths what is news, it’s up to you!


This is my opinion, I am not a professional blogger, pundit or activist. I have no qualifications to give my opinion as anything other than a concerned citizen of the world with the ability to voice his concerns and opinions over the world wide web which I rarely do. This post was poorly researched and likely even more poorly written.