Tag Archives: The Avengers

TV for kids

Image Courtesy of Treehouse TVMy kids watch a lot of TV, probably too much, I won’t apologize for that, a half hour here and there of keep-the-kids-out-of-my-hair time is much-needed.
I can’t remember the last time I had the TV on during the day tuned into something I wanted to watch, I think it may have been in 2008, before our son was born though I have been able to sneak in the odd episode of Top Gear on my phone when no one was looking.
Some of these shows I can handle, some I love and others cause me to leap Lego buildings, dodge dinky cars and swim oceans of milk to turn off the television.

The Octonaughts
I’ve read the book, which is nothing like the show, the book was better

The Bubble Guppies
This is a really cute show. I find myself answering the question, “what time is it?” With “it’s time for lunch,” far too often.

Max and Ruby
This is one of my favourites although I do find Ruby to be a bit of a bitch but Max more than makes up for it. In one episode Ruby is explaining badminton to her friend Louise. Part of the conversation went something like this:
Louise: I wonder why they call it a birdie.
Ruby: It’s also called a shuttlecock
–Dramatic pause–
Ruby: I think we’ll just call it a birdie
Louise: Good idea Ruby
I nearly fell off my chair.
I do, however, have questions about this show like:
Where are their parents?
Why is Gramma not concerned they’re left alone?
When will Roger and Ruby hook up?

The Backyardigans
This used to be one of my favourites but I’ve seen pretty much every episode now and most don’t repeat well.

Fireman Sam
I don’t find this show very realistic. If anyone had a child as troublesome as Norman Price they would likely leave him in the well, or stuck up on tree or hanging from a  rock face or…

The Avengers
Perhaps my son is too young to watch this but he has assured me he knows it’s pretend. We have fun with this show too. See my blog about “The Avenger Family.”

Wonder Pets
This show makes me want to pluck my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon!

The Magic School Bus
Why they don’t use “The Magic Bus” as their theme song is beyond me. I hate this show, sure it’s educational but if I have to hear Lily Tomlin make one more terrible pun I’m gonna go all “The Who” on my TV.

Thomas and Friends
I like this show and sadly know the theme song by heart. I have a special place in my heart for Toby, poor little Toby. Also, if George Carlin could narrate this show it’s gotta be good, though I never heard a single profanity in any episode, which is rather disappointing.

Dora The Explorer
I can’t wait for my kids to grow out of this show, it’s just fluff in my opinion.

Go Diego Go!
I can’t help but think this show does a disservice to animals, maybe I’m wrong. I really annoy my son when I use the Inspector Gadget theme for Go Diego Go.

Handy Manny
Could Handy Manny be the love child of Bob The Builder and Dora? Scandal!

I love this movie, I have probably watched it a thousand times. I especially love the nostalgia for Route 66. Many feel this is one of the worst Disney/Pixar movies, I think it’s one of the best, maybe because I’m a car guy. When my son got this movie for his second birthday his reaction was priceless, he jumped up and down and ran around the house holding it!

Cars 2
Nowhere near as good as the original but I still enjoy it.

The Wiggles
I really should hate this show but the pirate skit makes me soften my stance a bit.

My Little Pony
What pull does this show have for kids? I don’t get it. I do find myself singing the theme song though, but slighly altered as in My Little Porny…

Team Unizoomi
My son loves this show, God help me. Maybe it’s because he loves numbers and such. Personally I think this show is absolute crap and unwatchable!

Harry And His Bucket Full Of Dinosaurs
When Terrance (The Tyrannosaurus) uses coconuts to make galloping noises (ala Monty Python And The Holy Grail) I gained some respect for this show.

The Care Bears
The new one is okay, though not great but nowhere near as horrible as the original. I really hope Champ Bear got picked up by the Fish and Wildlife in a bear trap and relocated to Siberia, or the moon. Also, Screechy reminds me of my daughter when she’s unhappy.

Toopy and Binoo
I’m just gonna say that I have no issues with transgendered, cross-dressing characters in children’s shows.

4 Square
What the hell is up with the outfits of the blue square people? No one wants to see your junk dudes, especially in a children’s program!

This show provides a great opportunity for an example to use for telling your children how not to behave as in, “why are you being so whiney? You sound like Caillou,” or, “If you were this whiney I’d shave your head bald and stuff you into a TV too!”

Doctor Who
Oh, wait, this one’s for me. Thank you Britain for making great television!

The Avengers Family

Copyright Marvel.com

At some point in time my son became a huge Avengers fan, not the movie but the animated Earth’s Mightiest Heroes version on Netflix. He’s four, perhaps too young for it but he has a pretty good grasp of fantasy and reality, especially with cartoons. We play Avengers which is basically just running around the house finding and fighting (pretend) bad guys and only calling each other by our Avengers names:

Copyright Marvel.com

Malcolm as Captain America


Eva as Wasp


Daddy as Thor

copyright Marvel.com

Mommy as The Hulk (I wanted her to be The Black Widow, YUM! but Malcolm was adamant.)


Nemo, The Black Lab as Black Panther

I remember when we were concerned about our four year-old watching this but I’ve decided that if something sparks a child’s imagination and leads to play this is far more exciting than watching the actual show then it can’t be that bad, besides I love that my son thinks I’m  a Super-hero, even if it’s only pretend.

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